- Currency and exchange rate
- - The Sudanese Dinnar (SDD) equals Ten Sudanese Pounds. There are notes of 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 Dinnars.
- Principal commercial centers
- - Omdurman
- - Khratoum
- - Khartoum North is important industrial centre.
- - Port Sudan is the country's main port.
- - Wadi Medani (Agricultural products, Cotton, Sun followers, Seeds, etc.)
- - Al-Obbeid ( Gum Arabic Proudction area, Sesame, Ground nuts, Cattles , Camels, etc)
- - Kassala
- - Atbara
- - Al-Qudarif and Kosti ( Agricultral Project, Sugar, seeds,Sesame, Dura, wheat)
- Language
- -Arabic is the official language.
- -English is widely spoken.
- Time difference:
- - 0 hour ahead of south African time
- main Economic activities
- 1- Agriculture
- The principal cash crop is cotton, the principal subsistence crops are sorghum and wheat.
- Other products include oil seeds, millet and Gum Arabic
- 2- Manufacturing:
- The most important sector is food processing, espacially sugar refining, the textile industry, cement production and petroleum refining are also important.
- 3- Mining
- Sudan has reserves of petroleum, gold, chromite ores, iron deposits, mica, manganese deposits, tungsten deposits, limestone and marble, black sand granite, gypsum and salt, quartz -silica sand , coper, zinc, silver, wollastonite, margesite and talc.
- Telecommunications
- Direct dailling is available from South Africa on dailling code 09249 followed by the area code:
- Khartoum 11
- Atbara 21
- Kassala
- Kosti
- Medani
- Al-obeid
- Juba
- Malakal
- Waw
- Al qadarif
- Weights and measures:
- System is utilised
- Exhibitions
- International fair of Khartoum;
- Venue : The International fair of Khartoum Centre.
- Annual Opening date:
- Main Import Commodities
- -Petroleum and Petroleum products.
- - Fertilisers
- - Motor vehicles and transport equipments.
- - Machinery and equipments
- - Chemicals products and insecticides
- - Paper and Paper Products.
- - Building
- - Textiles
- - Wheat
- - Food Stuffs
- - Meslin
- - Manufactures goods
- - medicines
- Main Export Commodities
- - Cotton
- - Wastes, yarns and textiles.
- - Sesame seeds.
- - Millet
- - Sorghum
- - Gum Arabic and Gum Olibanum
- - Edible
- - Hisbiscus flower
- - Molasses
- - Ground nuts
- - Water melon seeds
- - Cakes of (sesame, groung nuts)
- - Cotton seeds and sun flower
- - sheep, camels, goats and cattle.
- - Meat.
- - Hides and skin
- - Aromatic and pharmaceutical
- - plants abd sipes ( senne pods, hinna)
- - Fruit and vegetables
- - Strach and Glucose
- - Sugar
- - Minerals ( gold, Mica, Chrome, marble, gypsum, iron and lead scraps, potassium and sodium carbonate)
- - Handcrafts.
- - Fish
- South Africa Export Recommended Terms:
- - Confirmed letter of credit.
- Froeign exchange
- Administered by the Bank of Sudan, with the assistance of the authorised banks and specialised banks acting as exchange houses. In principle, commercial banks are authorised to sell foreign exchange to finance all impotrs ( except those on the negative list) irrespective of their final use.
- All exporters and importers are required to register with the Ministry of Trade.
- Trade General:
- Import Licences are not required, except for goods imported through bilateral and preferential trade arrangements.
- All applications for importing goods ( except crude oil and petroleum products) not included on the negative list must be channeled through the commercial or specialised banks and must be accompanied by the following:
- - Pro-forma invoice.
- - Valid commercial registration cetificate.( issued annually
by the Minsitry of Commmerce) verifying that the importer is a trader.
- - Valid tax clearance certificate and approval of authorised government bodies.
- The Sudan tarrif schedule is based on the harmonised system convention.
- Samples of no commercial value are admitted duty free.
- There are free trade zones in Port Sudan, Melut, and Junaynah.
- Ad values duties range from 0% to 1000%.
- Duties are ad values levied on the C.I.F value of goods at poit of entry.
- Documentation
- 1- Pro-forma invoice: Required by the importer to support the application for and import licence.
- - A minimum of three copies should be issued, it must include the following:
- - The importer's registration number.
- - A desrciption of the goods,
- - The point of arrival in Sudan
- - The country of origin.
- - The unit and total value.
- - The method of payment.
- - The estimate of freight, etc.
- 2- Bill of lading:
- Required for each separate conignment showing:
- - Name of vessel
- - Port of loading
- - name and addres of consignee.
- - Description of contents.
- "To order" bills are acceptable:
- - A minimum of two negotiable and two non- negotiable copies should be issued.
- 3- Air waybill:
- - Required, number of copies are specified by the importer and airline used.
- 4- Certificate of origin:
- Not required, but may be requested by the importer's bank, or in the letter of credit clause, if, A minimum of two copies should be issued, they must be certified by a champer of commerce and signed by a resonsible member of the exporting firm.
- 5- Commercial invoice: A minimum of four copies should be issued, there is no prescibed form, but it shoukd contain the following:
- - Names and addresses of supplier and purchaser.
- - Numbers and marks of pakcages.
- - quantity and gross weight or measurement of packages,
- - nature, quality and net weight of measure of contents.
- - Cost of price to importer at place of purchase together with all charges incidental to making the contract and delivery of the goods at the place of import to CFR (itemised separately).
- - Any discount , allowance, commission, or any similar deduction, with an explanation of its nature ( itemised separatley)
- - Origin of goods.
- The commercial invoice should contain a signed declaration stating that all particulars mentioned in thre invoice are ture and correct to the best knowledge of the signatiry.
- 6- Packing list:
- - Not required , but will facilitate clearance of goods at customs.
- 7- Insurance:
- This must be arranged with a Sudanese insurance company, the importer is required to attach the insurance certificate to other shipping documents when clearing goods through customs.
- Other Doumentation:
- - Special licence requirements govern imports of wild animals and birds, arms, ammuntioin and explosives, dangerous drugs, saccharing, sugar and candied sugar, live plants, cotton seed and seeded cotton.
- - A specific import licence is required for all textile/ apparel products except knit apparel carpets, impregnated and rubberised fabrics, jute sacks, and textile/ apparel products, including wool and blended wool blankets .
- - No live plants may be imported into the Sudan without a permit from the Ministry of agriculture, food and natural resources fresh vegetables and fresh fruit may be imported withou a permit provided they are presented to the proper customs officer and are certified for examination by quarantine office.
- Imports of animals, plants and seeds are subject to quarantine regulations.
- Marking of goods and packages:
- - Follow the importer's instructions and / or contract specifications:
- - Articles of gold must be hallmarked.
- - Most cotton piece goods are to be folded in exact metre lengths.
- - Each piece must be visibly marked on the exterior to indicate the exact number of metres contained in the piec
- - The marking must be stamped into the material, printed on it or be shown by ticktes affixed to the piece.
- - Certain cotton goods for retail sale must be labelled to show length or weight ( in metres or Kilos).
- - Packages should bear consignee's mark, including port mark, and they should be numbered unless the shipment is such that the contents of the packages can be readily identified without numbers.
- Diplomatic relationships:
- Sudan Embassies throughout the World :Sudan Embassies.