These Questions have been asked in various interviews and replied by the Minsters in the Government of Sudan highlighting New Sudan objectives and policies that draw out the Sudan New Foreign Policy towards the World,in different aspects, Foregien affairs, Trade, Tourism, investment,etc., I hope that you can find some usefull information that can help you discover the True Sudan word right from the policies makers.
What is the goals of Sudan's foreign trade policy?
Since The Bashir administration took office, our exports have doubled,because preexisting restrictions were removed . Now our foreign trade policy is very liberal> Import and Export transactions may be conducted at will.
Our economy is porgressing very well. inflation is going down, and we are attracting foreign investment in areas such as petroleum development and agriculure, seemenigly every day delegations from the West, the East, and the Gulf states come to the Sudan to investigate possibilities of doing business here, that we do not discriminate - that the Sudan offers the same concessions and exemptions to foreign investors as we do to our own people - provides investors with an added incentive.
You cited petroleum and agriculture as areas investors are participating, in what other areas is your ministry encouraging foreign investment ?
Minerals, housing, transportation, the ports and tourism are fields that are virtually wide open. The investor can find an opportiunity here with regardless of his or her interest specialty.
Various aspects of our agricultural industry are in particular need of capitcal infusion, though, We have an enormous potential for cultivating Sugars, for increasing our prodction by millions of tons annually
Our wheat production could be multiplied probably 20 times; and now we are exporting only about 10% of our livestock capability because of inadequate slaughtering facilities, refrigeration systems, and transportation. These are just a few examples of areas where we have almost limitless room to grow.
A very big one indeed, because Sudan produces about 80% of the World's total supply of this very versatile natural substance. And cotton is another fledgling industry, we need more investors not only in its cultivation, but in spinning, waving, and other textile plants. The Korean are doing very well with this here, and are exporting their output to Europe. Also crucial to our economy are nuits, edible oils, and sesame seeds.
Returning to petroleum, as this industry advances beyond its infancy, what specfic investment opportunities will be available?
There are regions of our country we still need to explore and develop, and the Sudan is totally lacking in petroleum service companies. The whole sector of petroleum transportation likewise requires attention and investment.
The Sudan contains Gold, Copper, and Iron depsits. Where are they located and what js the current state of developoment activity?
These and other minerals are available all over the country - in the East, West, and South, already there are German, French, and Chinese companies involved in the mining of Gold , and during the latter part of this past summer, we signed a contract to begin operations in copper mining.
One of the Major considerations investors have is the quality of a country's labor force, How would you characterize available worrkers in the Sudan?
We have skilled labor in various fields, good individuls who are doing very well for themselves. For example, at one Sudanese oil refinery, where the capacity was thought to be just 10,000 barrels a day our own national staff incereased it to 15.000 barrels. Also worth noting is the most Sudanese in adminstrative and clerkical capacities speak relatively good English , and considering the interests our Middle Eastern investors, fluent Arabic.
Besides investors from the countries you have already mentioned, are there otheres?
We welcome and appreciate investors from all over the World, I have already mentioned Germans, French, Chinese, and Korean, in addition the Spanish has come to invest in the Sudan in transportation; the Combodians have come for timper , and then there are Canadians, Italians, British, Vietnamese and the Malisians. Investors from these and other countries are involoved in everything from forestry to machinery, from bridges to mills to canneries. And the Turks, who known for their leather goods, actually produce their finets peices in our country.
You didn't mention any American investors. Why was that?
That was just an oversight! in fact the United States has roughly $# billion already invested in the Sudan, and we believe there is plenty of space for doing even more in both our. After all, the United States worked very hard towrads the elimination of the import and export that formerly existed between our two countries. Today we are very much appreciate the cordial trade agreement we share with the United States.
Minister: I think the first issue, the basic challenge, is to understand and interpret the new role of the Government in industerialization. This is implied in the economic reform stratehy of the Sudan, uppermost of which is the positive role to be played by the private sector. At the same time, we are want to get rid of our closed self-contained economy. We want to become part of the Globalization process This will rquire us to have competitive economy, but it also willm mean the production of high - quality, export- oriented goods.
Which aspects of the intial stages in this transition have been successful so far?
Our privatization program has been very successful. For example , two textile mills that were bought by a Korean industrial conglomerate are now exporting high-quality cotton yarns to Western Europe all year round. In the leather industry, almost all the Government tanneries have been at least partially privatized. With this change of ownership, the number of finshed skins and hides exported has jumped from five million (just three years ago) to 25 million this year, , and in my role as chiarman of Kinana Sugar Company, we have already privatized Kenana, even though the shareholders remain the governments of Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, and the Sudan.and this is an example of how sometimes a publicly held company can operate successfully as a private one.
Are investors taking notice of the Sudan's privatization efforts?
Yes, We have very good relations with Western companies - American , English, and French. The British ambassador circulated a paper describing how business is thriving in Sudan. He reffered to trade between our country and his, which more than doubled over the past year.
Which aspects of the intial stages in this transition have been successful so far?